SEO Expert Gold Coast is a Top SEO Company in Australia 2022

Once again, SEO Expert Gold Coast takes the Tech Behemoths award for Best SEO Company in Australia, for the second year in a row.

Tech Behemoths connects companies who require B2B services (like SEO). However, unlike other platforms that allow businesses to purchase their way to the top spot, Tech Behemoths has a listed criteria which must be met to be considered for their prestigious award. This serves as a quality assurance check, and exemplifies the honour of receiving it.

Some may be envisioning a group of seated judges to evaluate these B2B companies on their experience and merit. It may surprise you to know that it is, in fact, the reviews, business portfolio and company achievements (among others) that are responsible for separating the good from the great.

This is the factor that distinguishes Tech Behemoths from other B2B awards. A business is nothing without quality driven results, as well as the consumer confidence a successful business owner can attest to, after working with such a company.

There is no better critic and driving force than a customer, as they are proof to our successes and our mentality of knowing we have delivered positive results to their business. See below for one of our many reviews:



We’d like to thank all of our clients and business partners, whether you have been with us for multiple years, or only for a few months. Your trust, confidence, and positive reviews have allowed us to receive this award for two years consecutively. We’re looking forward to another great year of helping you grow your business even more. Reach out to us today and we’ll begin working on how we can best help you, as soon as possible.

Picture of Justin - Digital Marketing Manager

Justin - Digital Marketing Manager

I'm a professional Digital Marketing Manager performing SEO since 2004, designing and developing websites for Small, Medium and Large Businesses and Digital Marketing Agencies throughout Australia. Qualified in Business Management, Marketing and Information Technology. Contact us today and discover how we can help you.

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